Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Updated Artist Statement

I have always been intrigued by the unknown, the blank canvas, the unwritten song. The glorious exploration of the unknown drives me to push forward. I love to find new gems from unknown artists and musicians. And I have always found joy in making something new. It drives me to pick up my paintbrush, guitar, pen, violin, etc.

I love painting nature and color as a microcosm of life itself – trees reaching for the light, bent by abuse, and craving nourishment. I am drawn by beauty mixed with mystery. Pure realism or impressionism has never had great appeal to me. The canvas is an unknown world and I find myself searching out mystery rooted in reality.

When I create I feel that I am doing what I was made to do, whether or not anyone likes it or can understand it. However, I have found deeper meaning and fulfillment as I find connection with those few who are moved by my works. I believe that art has the potential to forge bridges of connection and that those who are moved by it or understand it or appreciate it can bring powerful meaning into our lives.

My new website is under construction, Check it out!

Monday, April 8, 2013

I'm now featured at society6
soon you can get my art on your iphone case???



Saturday, April 6, 2013

Steph says Narnia? What do you think?

New painting 11x14" acyrlic
Contest on Facebook!  Best interpretation gets a free print.
This painting will really start to come out of the canvas if you stare at it long enough.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Beautiful Bridge

I am looking to put together a team of artists and musicians to create a bridge between the collectors/audience and needy folks in the world. I want to propose a whiteboard think-tank session or a Skype conference where I can make my pitch, get some feedback and hopefully put together a team. I know that this project is something that I am incapable of doing on my own. My heart for beautiful bridge is that it will benefit all involved. Beautiful bridge may involve 4 groups. Givers, Creators, Bridgers, Receivers. These are loose titles that need some work. I want to be simple. Clear. Systematic. Creators find givers. Bridgers find receivers. Art visually ties together a Giver and Receiver. Money is divided between receivers, bridgers, and creators to help make the movement possible. Then a communication bridge is opened between the Giver and Receiver. As the public can follow the communication bridge, they can give any amount at any time, and add to the conversation. This all just kind of popped in my brain. Creators are passionate about art. Bridgers are passionate about those in need. People who collect art usually are wealthy. Needy people are in abundance. Could we become a bridge?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

New Painting Help me give a title

I have already gotten about 40 ideas from folk on facebook.  Any more Ideas?