Friday, November 2, 2007

we never know

where this is going to go...

I have been very busy with many things. I am working on a new blog for a different audience.
I hope to publish video. I just finished a 8 minute video for our school. I hope to post part of it.
I'll be figuring it out.

Friday, October 12, 2007

vacation in ensenada

weather nice. cool evenings. family visits. frigid waves. Moms, a Dad, a Grandpa from France.
shopping wife. lovely new dresses. viola. boogie board for Mario. a very happy one year old. cortes vs. aztecs chess set. stunning vistas. ensenada.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Lake June(Florida)

Here are a couple new paintings. I have been focusing on water. Hope you like.

Friday, August 24, 2007

nuestra comunidad poderosa

I have been reading about community. Or one could say family. The family of God. So much of what I have been reading and observing has highlighted this paramount ideal. And when I think about the life-changing impact of my college ministry days, I never realized the impact of our community. Our unity changed lives. Of course our unity was a supernatural building project of the Holy Spirit. Blocks made of blockheads and beautiful souls as different as they could have ever been. John 17. Phil. 1 We step on each others toes. We divide over trivial devilish treats, handed to us in our moment of weakness. But when we are together, really together, we thrive and magnetized. Others come. They can't help it. It is not our program, our wit, our drive, our perspective, our method. Not to say that those things aren't wonderfully helpful in their place.

This, I believe, flys in the face of our individualist culture. This cultural ideal affects us more than most of us realize. We have the I can, I must, attitude. It seems that the ideals of the American revolution that so impacted evangelicalism, continue to effect our spirituality. "It's just me and Jesus." Well, I know dealing with people can be both tricky and sticky. And the problem with other people is that they are often as bad as us or worse. But these two words we find in a Psalm: good and pleasant. When family happens. Unity. Good and right all the way to the core. And pleasant. And powerful. Easy? Not likely.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

i hope you like

our new blog page. Love you all!

in my head

In my head are many things,
sharing them is scary,